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Dandeli Art Space Launches Colorful Tunes: Zeng Yong's Solo Exhibition

Dandeli Art Space Launches Colorful Tunes: Zeng Yong's Solo Exhibition

光影童话 Lighting Fairy Tale

光影童话 Lighting Fairy Tale

正如某位社会学家所说,钟表的发明使得永恒因时间的标准产生而分离,而摄影却又让时间凝固而回归永恒。几乎所有的摄影师都以自身强烈的主观愿望去探索光与时间的关系。日本摄影师Sato Tokihiro将这种关系以自身在照片中留下的痕迹创造出美轮美奂的视觉效果来展现,其背后所蕴含的却是他将日本文化中对自然的尊崇,对完美极致的追求的发扬.这些理念从那些海边如云雾般缭绕的光点,深雪中参天大树下纯净的斑点中可以看出,为了达到极致完美的效果,他花费更多的时间计算和设定光的反射时间.以便不着痕迹地与自然融合成一体。




佐藤时启 - 光与时间的游戏 Photo-respiration by Tokihiro Sato

佐藤时启 - 光与时间的游戏 Photo-respiration by Tokihiro Sato


丹德力生活驿站之 “青春 • 古调:尺八与古琴演奏会”活动精彩回顾

Dandeli Art & Life "Blooming Youth and Ancient Melody: Chiba and Guqin Live Performance"

On October 24, 2009, Dandeli Art Space will invite young musicians Xing Zhe, Xiao Yinqing and Xiao Yunzi to tell stories about Chiba and Guqin and play these two instruments in live. This performance will provide a good opportunity to understand traditional Chinese culture.

丹德力生活驿站之 “青春 • 古调:尺八与古琴演奏会”

Dandeli Art & Life "Blooming Youth and Ancient Melody: Chiba and Guqin Live Performance"

Chiba and Guqin are China's earliest pipe instrument and string instrument. Chiba is made of a piece of 55-centimeter long bamboo root. Guqin is made of seven silk strings and paulownia wood. On October 24, 2009, Dandeli Art Space will invite young musicians Xing Zhe, Xiao Yinqing and Xiao Yunzi to tell stories about Chiba and Guqin and play these two instruments in live. This performance will provide a good opportunity to understand traditional Chinese culture.


The Life of Light

The quantum physics principle of wave-particle duality allows light to be both a wave and a particle at the same time. In the hands of photographer Tokihiro Sato, however, it is unclear whether light is either. Here it verges on something else altogether, stranger and more wonderful.


It's All in the Breath - Anthony Tao Takes a Look at the Chiba

If we put a microphone to the bottom half of our vocal cords, in that space before the larynx alters the transit of air into highly evolved sounds recognizable as language, what would we hear?


Seeing the light

Sato Tokihiro's landscape photographs can just as easily be described as mindscapes. They have an emotional appeal disconnected from the subject matter and are hard to pin down.


Dandeli Art Center Launches Tokihiro Sato's Solo Exhibition Titled “Photo-Respiration”

Tokihiro Sato is one of the most influential Japanese photographers. His photographs are housed by more than twenty art galleries and museums ground the world as well as private collectors including Bill Gates. As a professional art gallery, Dandeli Art Center launches this exhibition to honor Tokihiro Sato, an internationally renowned photographer, and his outstanding artwork, which communicates his unique interpretation of light with camera.



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